The Bionic Kid comic is a product of love for all involved. Our lead authors Christo and Zachary asked a simple question “how can we raise money to help kids around the world that need arms?”
With that simple question, we all embarked on a journey to to create a comic that was inspired by experiences in their life and their love of comics. The script was submitted to Dr. Albert Manero, Matt Dombrowski, and Victor Davila out of the University of Central Florida (UCF). They along with Kirk Macy, an art student at UCF, are make this dream come true!
How we got here: In 2015, Zachary was the recipient of a prototype bionic arm from Limbitless Solutions. The impact and friendships created has been and continues to be long-lasting. For more about this amazing organization, please visit: Limbitless Solutions
A huge THANK YOU to all involved in helping make this happen and to those who inspired us along the way:
- Victor Davila, Matt Dombrowski, Kirkland Macy, Albert Manero.
- All our family, friends, classmates, teachers, and mentors.
- The late Stan Lee – Creator of some of the best Marvel Superhero’s ever
- Shaquem Griffin / Shaquill Griffin – of the Seattle Seahawks, both from UCF – thank you for being role models and inspiring kids around the world.
- Actors Robert Downey Jr, Tom Holland, Michael Rosenbaum, Chadwick Boseman, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, and Chris Pratt, who represent some amazing characters in the MCU, but more importantly, they their time to amazing charities across the globe.
- Also, a HUGE to all of YOU who purchase these comics. Your contribution will go a long way to helping children with limb differences.